There are so many skills that our kids learn to master in their early school years. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles in hands and fingers that allow kids
Read more5 Tips to Improve Fine Motor Skills In Preschoolers
There are so many skills that our kids learn to master in their early school years. Fine motor skills involve the small muscles in hands and fingers that allow kids
Read more5 Tips to Improve Fine Motor Skills In Preschoolers
It’s that time of year! Holiday shopping is in full swing and we are sharing our favorite skill-building, super fun toys and products. At Beyond Speech we love to play
When our kids are learning to write, they are practicing a complex set of skills that are all coming together for one purpose. As children learn how to properly write
Something that our occupational therapists work on a lot with our little kiddos is proper pencil grasp – the way they hold and manipulate a pencil, crayon or maker as
It’s easy to look back over the last 10 years and think, “Wow! That went fast!” because it sure did! But what takes a bit more time, and brings us
Read more10 Wonderful Years of Beyond Speech Therapy Services!
At Beyond Speech we talk a lot about playing with a purpose. We love to recommend products, toys and various devices that help to support goals and allow kiddos to
Read more10 Awesome Experience Based Gifts for the Whole Family
The holidays are always filled with fun, family and, the thing our kiddos are most excited for, gifts! And since we love to play with a purpose at Beyond Speech
Read moreHoliday Gift Guide: 15 Therapist Approved Gifts for Kids
One of our favorite ways to have some big family fun while also working on important, goal-centered skills is board games! Playing board games has so many amazing benefits for
Craft For All Kids The Beyond Speech Way! At Beyond Speech we love all kinds of crafts, but we especially love crafts that hit important skills while also being so
There’s nothing quite like the crisp, sunny days of Fall and all the super fun activities that come with it – especially for our kiddos! Another great part of Fall